Mindset for working out

It’s difficult to find the motivation to exercise. Learn how to train your mind the right way.

By: Oluwatosin Jolaowula

Most people want to look good and be healthy, but they have yet to take the necessary steps. This is mainly because their mindset is not conditioned to take on the challenge of exercising consistently. 

The mind is potent – when one has decided to achieve a goal, it can be easy to accomplish. Anyone who wants to be fit has to make new decisions regarding their diet plan and exercise routine. The brain needs to be trained to focus on the why rather than making decisions with no clear intention. 

It is easy to go through your fitness routine when your mind stays set on achieving your fitness goals. You will see challenges as an avenue to grow. Even when you lag in your progress, you are mindful enough to make the right decisions. Instead of making decisions based on emotions, you make the intelligent, rational choice. 

How S.M.A.R.T Goals Can Help You Work Out 

The S.M.A.R.T. model is usually found in business practices but can be applied to any aspect of life that needs guidance and focus. When training the mind to work out consistently, the S.M.A.R.T. formula is an excellent way to ensure you are on time for your daily exercises. Below, we break down what S.M.A.R.T. goals are.

S: Specific

This means the goal has to be adequately defined. This is what you are setting out to achieve. Try not to have ambiguous goals or multiple goals that contradict one another. A specific goal would be: I want to gain muscle by going to the gym five times a week at the nearby fitness centre.

M: Measurable

You must measure your progress alongside your goals. Setting criteria for measuring progress is crucial if you want to know you are heading in the right direction. 

For instance, if you’d like to gain more muscle at the gym, aim to gain 1lb of muscle each week. Gaining 1lb of muscle per week is a measurable criterion that would let you know if your goals are being met. 

A: Attainable

Your fitness goals should be within reach. Think of your resources (for instance, if you have enough money for a gym membership) and the time needed to achieve your fitness goals. Will work or school leave you enough time to meet your training needs? It’s important to have high ambitions, but you must consider if they are achievable or not. 

R: Realistic 

Again, while it’s essential to have high expectations, your fitness goals need to be realistic. Consider your time and resources again. Will you be able to commit to your goal fully? Have you seen others achieve the same initiatives as you? Or are you dreaming up objectives that no human being can ever reach? Ask these questions when making your S.M.A.R.T goal. 

T: Timely

Try to set deadlines. Deadlines give us a clear finish line to envision and increase our level of urgency. If your goal is to gain 1lb of muscle a week, give yourself a month to gain 4lb of muscle. As the month unwinds, you should have more determination to finish what you started. 

A S.M.A.R.T. fitness mindset helps you stay true and consistent to staying in shape, even when you encounter challenges or problems. You will build and develop healthy habits, which in turn help achieve any fitness goal.

Your Mindset Will Impact Your Fitness Performance

Mindset for working out

The mind is where thoughts are produced, which then produce the actions an individual takes. An individual whose mind creates positive thoughts is set to do much more than someone with negative thoughts.

It’s important to stay positive when setting out to achieve a fitness goal, even when you have been deterred from your plan. When your mind is saying, “I can’t do it,” you would find it easier to give up. 

Those who have a healthy mindset tend to stay true to their goals and achieve their fitness dreams.

Works Cited

Envision fitness. “Beyond the Physical Workout: Why the Right Mindset Is Critical for Success: Envision Fitness Blog.” Beyond the Physical Workout: Why the Right Mindset Is Critical for Success | Envision Fitness Blog, 1 June 2020, 4am, envisionfitnessmn.com/about/blog/entryid/53/beyond-the-physical-workout-why-the-right-mindset-is-critical-for-success.


Cathe Friedrich. “What Role Does Mindset Play in Weight Loss and Fitness Success?” Cathe Friedrich, 29 Mar. 2019, cathe.com/role-mindset-play-weight-loss-fitness-success/.